
Individual Therapy
I see adults and adolescents who have a variety of issues, though I have noticed that anxiety and depression are common threads no matter what other problems might be occurring. I help my clients identify their goals so that we have a clear purpose as we are working. Part of that work may involve looking at your early family experiences, past traumas, relationship history, and self-soothing activities that you have used to manage your uncomfortable feelings. Some areas that you might want to address in therapy include:
- Relationship Issues
- Compulsive Behaviors
- Addiction Issues
- Complicated Childhoods
- Problems with Life Stage Development and Transitions
- Financial Issues/Behaviors
- Insomnia and Sleep Difficulties
- Unique Challenges of the Entertainment Industry
- Trauma
- Secondary Trauma (can occur when exposed to other people’s trauma through your work or life situations - first responders, true crime producers, etc.)
- Recovery and Relapse Prevention
- Existential Crises and Searching for Meaning

Couples Therapy
Couples decide to come to therapy for many different reasons. Most commonly, partners cite “communication problems” as their reason for seeking help. Part of our work together will be to understand what lies beneath these communication problems, and how we can best address those differences. Some areas of focus may include:
- Family of Origin History
- Communication Styles
- Navigating Conflict
- Relationship Expectations
- Relationship Roles
- Relationship Values
- Transitions in Family Life Cycle
- Premarital Counseling
- Financial Behaviors/Differences
EMDR Therapy
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is an effective therapy for use with all types of traumas. If you have experienced trauma in childhood, recent trauma, or have been exposed to trauma vicariously through work or life, we can discuss how this technique may be able to help you process the memories that are causing you disturbances.

Financial Therapy
Money messages are received from childhood till adulthood, from everywhere around you – which ones are serving you, and which ones are holding you back? I work with individuals and couples to develop a healthier relationship with money and finances, which I believe in turn allows for increased overall well-being to take hold.
Whether you come to see me yourself or with your partner, my goal is to provide you with a safe space where you can express yourself and explore the areas that are causing you pain. My hope for you is to find a life where you can experience all of your feelings non-judgmentally and healthily, without getting stuck in discomfort and distress.

Next Steps...
If you are wondering if I work with the issues you are experiencing, please feel free to ask. I want you to find the therapy that feels best for you, and if it seems like there might be a better fit elsewhere, I'm happy to provide referrals.